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Instructor Information

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Daniel Frey (Fall,Spring)

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Interest Areas

  1. Design for Consistent Performance of Systems Despite Variation
  2. Planning of Experiments/ Adaptive Experimentation
  3. Design and Evaluation of Devices for Use in the Developing World

faculty photo

Franz Hover (Fall)

Senior Lecturer

Interest Areas

  1. Robotic inspection of underwater structures
  2. Design of coordinated ocean sensing systems
  3. Design methods for complex marine systems

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Sherrie Wang (Fall)

Assistant ProfessorBrit (1961) and Alex (1949) d'Arbeloff Career Development Professor

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Navid Azizan (Fall)

Esther and Harold E. Edgerton (1927) Professor

Interest Areas

  1. Machine learning, AI, and intelligent systems
  2. Optimization, control, and autonomous systems
  3. Dynamical systems, networks, and smart grids